Welcome to the World’s First Sock Runway

Some genius once said that the most unexpected thing to do is the obvious, and honestly, we couldn’t agree more. So we went and did a lot of stuff that might seem self-explanatory. First, as you may have seen, we made single color socks. Which makes sense, when you think about it. We love all the colors equally (except maybe gray, but we’re still on pretty good terms, so it’s all good*).

Next, we obviously needed to show off our socks in a cool way. And what better way to show off cool socks than with a runway! So we took the chance at Berlin Fashion Week to host our very own, world first, sock runway!

*Our gray solid sock is actually a melange of white and gray, ’cause that looks way better, but don’t tell anyone.

An image of a group of models backstage wearing happy socks
An image of a group of models backstage wearing happy socks
an image showing feets wearing colorful socks in solid colors (orange, pink and green)

What Are You Hiding?

It all started with an idea. We wanted to see what people were really wearing underneath those pant legs, and also we wanted to offer the chance to show one’s true colors (read socks). Too often we are constrained by arbitrary chains—be it society, norms, culture or just antiquated ideas. So we created the Solids collection, and that’s also why we did the whole sock runway thing. In the end we just love seeing people express themselves, and this collection, as well as this runway—and even this very post—is us encouraging each and all of you to do just that!

An image from the happy socks fashion show in berlin, the outro part where all the models gather on stage.

The Lead Up

We knew we wanted to display our socks, but we weren’t sure how to best do it. Obviously we couldn’t just up and do a regular old catwalk. That’s not what we do. So, we started thinking. Firstly, we needed an extraordinary stylist to help us imbue the show with our patented Happy Socks vibe.

An image from backstage of the fashion show. One of the male models are getting his outfit checked for the last time by the stylist before entering the runway.

Style and Vibe

Fortunately, we found none other than Theresa Gross, whose work is characterized by a unique take on street style, as well as authenticity and personality over trends. Which blends perfectly with our mission of inspiring authentic self-expression through color, creativity, and fun.

With a focus on environmental sustainability, Gross created a unique look from a curated selection of second-hand and vintage garments, going hand in hand (read foot in foot) with our socks.

A model sitting behind the scenes, putting on happy socks sneaker socks.
two of the models, wearing happy socks, are prepping before the runway
One of the models are posing with the happy socks before the runway
One of the models are posing with the happy socks before the runway

Running the Way

Obviously we also wanted to bring something special to the runway, so through a tight collaboration with Hien Lee Casting, we managed to bring in a mix of performers, acrobats, dancers and community members from Berlin. Which meant this was no ordinary runway, but people danced, ran and slid down the runway in their very own, unique style.

two of the models dancing on the runway. Both wearing happy socks solid collection
one of the models dancing on the runway, wearing mid high socks in heels
A model posing by the end of the runway, wearing a cool outfit and tie dyed happy socks
A model posing at the end of the runway, wearing all white and white happy socks.


A huge shoutout goes to everyone who attended the show and of course to all the phenomenal models who walked the runway! Another shoutout goes to the amazing Berlin community who were so warm and welcoming!

Of course, the show would’ve been impossible without these amazing human beings:

Photographers: Conrad Bauer, Indigo Lewisohn, Guillem L. Nicolau

Stylist: Theresa Gross

Music: Swedish DJ duo Sharks, consisting of Sophia Englund and Susanna Friberg

An image from the runway
An image from the runway